Lucy newton on Life Porn Stories

Lucy Newton

Lucy Newton

Life Porn Stories 13 - PART 1
Blowjob for a rose

Blowjob for a rose

Lucy Newton hit me up with a crazy request—she’d do anything for a rose. I show up with a flower, and she’s on her knees in seconds, taking me in like she’s starved. By the end, she’s covered, laughing, saying it was worth every second. That’s one girl who loves her flowers.

Lucy Newton

Lucy Newton

Life Porn Stories 13 - PART 7
Not a drop wasted!

Not a drop wasted!

Lucy’s a freak, no doubt. She’s making sure I’m giving her everything, begging me not to let any go to waste. She’s licking, moaning, making sure it’s all hers. By the end, she’s satisfied, a mess, but already asking for round two.

Lucy Newton

Lucy Newton

Life Porn Stories 13 - PART 8
Beauty in a T-shirt

Beauty in a T-shirt

Lucy shows up in just a t-shirt, and she’s got only one thing on her mind. She pulls me into a backroom, grinding against me, whispering dirty things, and doesn’t let up until we’re both sweating. Left her smirking, knowing she got exactly what she wanted.

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